Parents are spending less time playing with their children, and children are spending less time playing in general. Busy schedules, work commitments, and schoolwork can often take precedence over spending quality time with each other. 

Outdoor play brings families together across generations. Intergenerational play allows everyone in the family to bond and enjoy nature at the same time. Read on to learn how spending time outdoors is important for families and how you can make play possible for everyone. 

What is Intergenerational Outdoor Play?

According to Transformational Impact, ‘intergenerational’ refers to “an active exchange or connection between and among the generations.”

Intergenerational outdoor play involves family members of different ages engaging in outdoor activities together. This play is important for families to bond and have fun together, creating a meaningful connection between family members. Playing outside helps families bond and stay active through physical activity, exploration, and adventure.

Transformational Impact states there are two broad approaches to creating intergenerational outdoor spaces:

First, the creation of ‘inclusive’ spaces-environments, activities, and cultures that provide a platform for strong intergenerational relations.
The intentional interaction between different generations to enhance understanding and empathy.
Building outdoor spaces for all ages in your community has many positive benefits and can make a lasting impact.

The Benefits of Physical Fitness

Engaging in outdoor play is a great way to promote physical health and wellness, making it an ideal activity for families. Studies have shown that regular physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, including obesity and heart disease. By participating in outdoor activities together, families can inspire each other to stay active and committed to leading healthy lifestyles.

Developing Life Skills as a Family

Outdoor play not only provides an excellent opportunity for getting active, but it also fosters the development of essential life skills. Kids can improve problem-solving skills by facing tough challenges in a playground, while adults can stay active and energized. Families can learn from each other and appreciate each other's abilities by doing outdoor activities together.

Intergenerational Play and Outdoor Activities

Intergenerational outdoor play provides a unique opportunity for family members of all ages to come together for meaningful bonding experiences. There are activities for all ages, so everyone can join in at their own speed and ability. 

Being outside is great for families to talk, have important experiences, and work together to reach goals. It helps them become a strong team. The bond that forms can last a lifetime and become a cherished part of a family's shared history.

Mental Health Benefits of Outdoor Play

There are also significant mental health advantages to engaging in intergenerational outdoor play. Nature helps people relax, reduces stress, improves communication, and strengthens family bonds. Being in nature can make you feel calm and peaceful, which is good for your well-being. It helps you focus on the present and connect with your family.

The Importance of Intergenerational Outdoor Play

Intergenerational outdoor play can meet the needs and interests of the whole family, making it a great activity. Families can have fun outdoors by choosing activities that involve everyone like hiking, picnicking, or playing games together. 

Intergenerational outdoor play is crucial for family bonding and building stronger relationships. Play also improves health, communication, and creates lasting memories. Going to a park or playground together can be a regular tradition or a special outing. Regardless, it’s a wonderful way to reconnect and enjoy each other's company.

Want to help families in your community? Contact a GameTime play expert today and start planning an intergenerational play space.