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Enriching Childhood Through Play

GameTime commercial playgrounds, custom play spaces, and outdoor fitness equipment combine research with thoughtful design. We create award‐winning outdoor spaces for people of all ages and abilities. Partnering with local and national play advocates, we are committed to  building healthy, active communities for this generation and the next. 

Enriching Childhood Through Play

GameTime commercial playgrounds, custom play spaces, and outdoor fitness equipment combine research with thoughtful design. We create award‐winning outdoor spaces for people of all ages and abilities. Partnering with local and national play advocates, we are committed to  building healthy, active communities for this generation and the next. 


For nearly a century we've designed fun and innovative playground equipment that brings joy to people's lives. These products appeal to people from every generation and bring a smile to their face every time they visit a GameTime playground. 

Expression Swing


We know healthy habits begin on a playground, but we want to make sure you stay healthy your whole life. Our collection of outdoor fitness equipment is designed for people of all ages, fitness levels, and abilities. Get moving!

The Stadium with Shade
Challenge Course Pro 5000

Inclusive Designs Bring People Together

Be Inspired by Community Champions

We love working with passionate people and communities who work to create spaces everyone can enjoy. Read about three community champions who brought their dreams of an inclusive playground to life.

Featured Inclusive Products

Person with a disability interacts with playground game using an adaptive switchPerson with a disability interacts with playground game using an adaptive switch
Sensory Wave Climber with Adaptive Switch
Mother and son use a playground swing togetherMother and son use a playground swing together
Expression Swing Universal
Inclusive Whirl
Sensory Wave Ramp
Sensory Wave Rock N Raft
Roller Slide
RoxAll SeeSaw
Melody Chimes
GT Wave

Playground Tower Concepts


Preconfigured Playground Tower Systems

News from GameTime

Read the latest news and updates from GameTime and learn more about the benefits of play and recreation.

June 20, 2024

Inclusive Play: How Playground Musical Instruments Bring Children Together

Have you noticed the increase in local parks and school playgrounds installing outdoor musical instruments? These installations go beyond providing additional play value. According to the Save the Music Foundation, “music has the potential to help students succeed in school, build self-confidence, and create leaders and well-rounded young people.”

In this blog, we will explore the benefits associated with playground musical instruments, from fostering inclusive play to integrating sensory play opportunities into the school curriculum.


The Benefits of Musical Play

Music has always been an inherently versatile medium, inspiring musicians to create melodies as a form of self-expression.

June 13, 2024

Promote Inclusion: How Shade Structures and Integrated Playground Shade Create a Playful Space for Everyone

As the importance of inclusion grows within outdoor recreation, organizations frequently find themselves eager to create change but uncertain of where to begin.  

An excellent starting point could be integrating playground shade into your existing space. Shade structures can cool down your park during those hot summer breaks, allowing people of all abilities to play outside for longer periods of time. 

Read on to learn how playground shade can cultivate an inclusive mindset within your community and find out the answer to that burning question – “are there any shaded playgrounds near me?” 


What is Inclusion? 

The American Psychological Association defines equity, diversity, and

June 03, 2024

Destination and Themed Playgrounds

If you had a favorite playground when you were a kid, chances are you gave it its own nickname too. Perhaps it was something like the “castle park” or the “dinosaur playground” and your mom and all your friends knew exactly what you were talking about. These special playgrounds are also known as destination and themed playgrounds. They serve as a gathering place for families and multiple communities and they leave a lasting impression.  

A themed playground has elements that attract newcomers with its appealing design and unique features. It invites people to discover the undiscovered treasures tucked away in communities. 

Although neighborhood playgrounds are typical and more common due to their proximity, destination playgrounds draw larger crowds. Destination playgrounds are substantial and include more interactive elements, so people are willing to drive to enjoy them. These playgrounds serve as a place where children can play but also as vital hubs


The latest videos from our playlist

Celebrate a Grand Opening with Community Champions

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