Imagination Station's wood fort was a childhood staple in Collegedale, Tenn., for 22 years. In 2014, GameTime worked with city leaders to put in place a new, inclusive playground.

That hard work paid off when Imagination Sation won a national award from PlayCore for its "inclusive playground design, which embraces children of all abilities."

There are 7 elements on inclusive play that Imagination Station had to check off.

Principle 1: Be Fair
Principle 2: Be Included
Principle 3: Be Smart
Principle 4: Be Independent
Principle 5: Be Safe
Principle 6: Be Active
Principle 7: Be Comfortable

This results in addressing the needs of the whole child, including social/emotional, physical, sensory, cognitive, and communication. PlayCore's website has a great chart explaining these needs.

Some elements of inclusive design that Imagination Station incorporates are a large, accessible ramp and GT Jams music instruments like Ashiko & Djembe drums. It also includes a patented Expression Swing.

You can find Imagination Station at 4910 Swinyar Drive, Collegedale, Tenn.